Tagged as: CARROTS
POSTED ON December 20, 2016
Posted in Gluten free, Mains
If you’re cooking this holiday season then I’m sure you’ve got ideas and menus swirling around in your head, mingling with all the other tasks on your list that need doing. I’m doing my usual –“keeping things simple,” which, you may recall if you’ve been reading for a while, is my [...] continue reading ->
Vegetables for breakfast?
POSTED ON March 30, 2016
Posted in Breakfast, Gluten free, Grains
It’s been awhile since I last posted. I had no intension of letting this last chunk of time slip past but I haven’t found enough moments at home to focus on and capture what I’m craving, making and eating. In fact, I was hoping to make and shoot [...] continue reading ->
Fennel dill dressing with lime and mint + a rainbow bowl
POSTED ON February 15, 2015
Posted in Dressings, Gluten free, Mains, Side Dishes
This year, winter seems to me to be more bleak and grey than in seasons past. And I’m not sure if it’s striking me so because I’ve had a bit more time to observe the weather, or if it is in fact, greyer than usual. The last couple of winters I was wrapped up [...] continue reading ->