Oats and chia seeds with almond milk
POSTED ON June 24, 2009
“What do you eat for breakfast?” It’s a question I have been asked for years, especially by people wanting to incorporate healthier foods into their diet. Since I love breakfast I always have a lot of suggestions.
Soaked oats and chia seeds with almond milk and berries was what I found myself eating through the really hot months of summer last year. It’s the perfect alternative to a wintery porridge and an easy way to include chia seeds in your diet.
Chia seeds are a potent energy tonic and the highest source of omega-3 fatty acids next to flax seeds. They are loaded with antioxidants, protein and fiber and were used as an endurance food by Aztec warriors.
Like flax, they can be ground and sprinkled onto food; however, I don’t find their flavor as interesting and seem to forget to add them even though I know how nutritious they are.

chia seeds
Prepared like this (recipe below) I enjoy the way the chia add texture and help thicken the oats and almond milk, they will thicken almost instantly when added to a liquid.
This recipe is perfect for weekday mornings when you just don’t have time to stand over a pot of oatmeal, stirring.
Oh, and homemade almond milk is so good that you’ll want to add it to hot oatmeal too. The vanilla and cinnamon give it a subtle sweetness that I think is perfect in the morning, but you could always add a touch of honey or maple syrup.
I don’t strain the almond milk when using it this way, but you can for a “silkier” texture.
Sometimes I add the wheat germ and ground flax to the oats and chia, and soak everything together….makes things even speedier in the pre-dawn dash off to work.

today’s breakfast
One last thing, I want thank you all so much for your kind words and encouragement, it really means a lot.
Happy Summer!
Almond milk
1/2 cup whole raw almonds
2 cups filtered water, plus more for soaking
tiny pinch sea salt
pinch cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Rinse almonds then place in a jar and cover with 2 inches of filtered water. Let soak for a few hours or over night.
Drain and rinse again. Place in a blender add the 2 cups water, salt, cinnamon and vanilla. Blend on high speed for at least 2 minutes.
Kept refrigerated in a jar or bottle (I like re-using glass milk bottles) it will last 3 or 4 days.
Soaked oats and chia seeds with almond milk
For a gluten free version, make this with gluten free oats and leave out the wheat germ.
1 cup thick rolled oats
2 cups almond milk, plus more for serving (you can use half water if you like)
2 tablespoons chia seeds
pinch cinnamon
Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries
Ground flax seeds and wheat germ, to serve
Rinse oats and place in a wide mouth jar or bowl. Pour in almond milk, add chia seeds and cinnamon. Stir, cover and refrigerate overnight.
In the morning remove from fridge, I like to allow it come to room temperature, if I have time.
Sprinkle with berries, ground flax and wheatgerm, and drizzle with a little extra almond milk.
Serves 2 generous portions and will keep a couple of days in the fridge.
POSTED IN Breakfast, Gluten free
never miss a recipe!
Amy, thank you so much for this blog!!! I love all the recipes and I really, really need this right now, as I’m trying to incorporate more home cooking and natural meals into my diet. I will spread around to my friends . . .
THANK YOU! Keep it up!! 🙂
Hi Shell,
I’m so glad you like it…..please write with any questions you may have.
Thank you for passing it on!
Happy cooking,
Dear Amy,
wow all the food looks so delicious. I will definately get started with the rolled oats and chia seeds, its nice and easy ….perfect for a family breakfast.Where do i find chia seeds?
Guinny xo
Hi Guinny,
I’m so happy that your going to make this, you can buy chia seeds at the healthfood store, sometimes in the vitamin section (wholefoods sells them). Let me know what the familly thinks and thanks for writing!
Amy xx
Lovely blog. Your pictures are beautiful and inspiring. I find your recipes easy to follow despite using ingredients that I thought we’re out of my league. I am going to try one of your recipes soon.
Lloyd Pratt offered your website on FB.
Thanks, Andree Price
New Orleans, LA
Thank you, it’s so nice to hear that the recipes are easy to follow, please don’t be shy about asking ANY questions. I know how new ingredients can be intimidating, let me know how it goes.
Happy cooking!
Hey Amy…your blog is lovely 🙂
Thanks mike, please check back soon!
lloyd sent me here too, and i’m grateful. this is a lovely blog & i look forward to reading more!
Amy – WOW! Just made this (including the homemade almond milk) and it’s absolutely DELICIOUS – and SO EASY! (The two things I am striving for lately) 🙂
I ALSO made the quinoa dish, and am equally wowed. THANK YOU! Please keep posting!
Great, I am so happy to hear this!
Thanks for your recipes! Nice photos…
Wow! I LOVE your blog recipies! Not only do u have amazing raw recipies but i love how ARTISTIC your photos are! I love the birds eye view of the bowls and ingrediants and the rustic look of cannisters and glass jars! X
I want to try this recipe; just wondering, does it matter if u use whole seeds or ground seeds? I saw both kinds at the store.
I haven’t used the ground chia and I like the texture of the whole seeds. Buy them whole and you can always grind them if you don’t like the texture. I think it’s always good to buy the “whole food” whenever possible. Thanks for your comment!
So excited to find this recipe with chia seeds AND the fresh almond milk – mmmmmmmmm
Have been using lots of chia seeds lately – my acupuncturist recommends soaking then for a few days before use. They are a real superfood!
Hi! I’m new to your blog and have really been enjoying what I read! My question is: what is the difference between rolled oats (as in this recipe) and steel cut oats (which I cook every morning for myself)? Is one healthier than the other? I was introduced to the steel cut version as they balance blood sugar. Thanks! Christina
I am LOVING the almond milk recipe!! I tried it once with plain soaked almonds and this morning again with soaked and peeled almonds. I love peeling them, as the milk has less of a grit to it in the end. Blending it also creates an AMAZINGLY rich almondy foam that goes well atop a cup of fresh tea. Thank you, Amy!
Isn’t it delicious! Better strained for drinking. Lately I have been heating it up to pour over hot oatmeal, it thickens and gets even creamier!
Glad your enjoying the recipe.
wow! thanks to the Gods of the Interwebs for putting me here! I shall link to your fab site and try this breakfast recipe ASAP!
how long will whole chia seed last once they have been soaked? randy
Thanks for your comment,
Soaked chia seeds last quite a while when soaked in water, I have never kept them for over a week.
When soaked in almond milk I would use them in a few days, if the milk is fresh then maybe up to 5 days at the longest.
Hope theat helps!
This is such a beautiful blog! I am so inspired to make all these recipes and have already started to make the almond milk. I have a question regarding the milk: Am I supposed to retain the water that the almonds soaked in overnight, or am I to use new fresh water to blend?
Thank you for the wonderful recipes!
So glad to hear you are enjoying the recipes!
Always drain and rinse nuts after soaking them and then use fresh filtered water to make nutmilk.
ive just came across your blog and i love it !! ive signed up for the email subscriptions keep up the great work 🙂
I just found your blog and made this recipe for breakfast! Delicious, nutritious AND filling. You have *beautiful* photos and it inspires me to spend more time playing with whole foods. Thanks for the recipe!
Hi, thanks so much for all your yummy recipes. I am currently trawling for no-cook recipes for a trip to France (v. hard to be vegan in France!) and can’t wait to start making this for breakfast. Taking all my dry ingredients with me. Loving your blog x
Hi, I just made the almond milk it is divine! I strained it through a nut bad and it is sooo smooth and silky, the best match for morning oats! I was just wondering why salt is added to the milk? It seems a strange thing to add (although I am not a well practised cook), what does it contribute? Love your blog 🙂